A tag contributes to describing what a test is about in addition to the test's name and category. Additionally, it allows for the precise selection of a group of tests via the command line.
Tags are strings. This is nice and extensible, but to prevent misspellings and conflicts, we require them to be registered using declare
val declare : string -> t
Create and register a tag. This function raises exceptions if used improperly.
A tag must be created exactly once. It must be a non-empty dot-separated sequence of lowercase alphanumeric identifiers ([a-z_][a-z_0-9]*
val list : unit -> t list
List all the registered tags.
val to_string : t -> string
Convert the tag back to the original string.
val of_string_opt : string -> t option
Convert a tag from a string, failing is the tag wasn't declared.
val show : t -> string
Convert the tag to human-readable form (which happens to be the same as the original string).